QMK caps word

I use a Corne low profile keyboard running the QMK firmware. It is a 42 key layout and although it has a sixth column where a lot of folks put the traditional SHIFT and CTRL modifier keys, I’ve opted to go with the home row mods so that I’m not stretching my fingers and negating some of the ergonomic advantages. The downside is that it is difficult to type full words/phrases in capital letters without switching which hand is holding the modifier....

April 14, 2022 · 2 min
Cover image from article, alt-text in article


I still need to figure out how to get ox-hugo to process images that are within shortcodes. Might be a good opportunity to learn the code base a bit and maybe contribute. Note: I did wrap this in a proper img tag to support alt-text but the rendered effect is the same as just putting a raw file in. Here’s the figure shortcode. Seahorse

March 8, 2022 · 1 min
Cover image from article, alt-text in article

Hugo photos with EXIF data

I have been wanting to transition my photography site to Hugo as well but have not investigated how to utilize Hugo’s image processing capabilities. Yesterday I came across Wivik’s helpful shortcodes that display EXIF information and presents the photo with a frame and a caption. I’m experimenting with it now and might modify it and eventually migrate my photography content. I ran into nil pointer evaluating resource.Resource.Resize error when running the shortcode and tried out the built-in figure shortcode with the same path to verify that it wasn’t an actual path issue....

January 29, 2022 · 2 min
Cover image from article, alt-text in article

Corne LP

I fell down the split ergo mechanical keyboard rabbit hole thanks to a dear friend who was kind enough to loan me his Gergoplex (despite my incessant teasing about his hipster keyboard). The Gergoplex is on the deeper end of the rabbit-hole with only 36 keys and 12g switches but it demonstrated the value to me. I ended up getting a pre-built Corne and added the lightest switches I could find at the time: Gateron MX 35g switches....

January 16, 2022 · 2 min

OBS, virtual camera, guix

I’ve used OBS as a virtual camera input for various reasons (to compose scenes, to control field of view, etc.). I was setting it up on my desktop (Pop_Os! 20.04 with Guix as the package manager) today because Microsoft Teams recognizes my El Gato CamLink 4K but won’t show any video. Since I had successfully used virtual camera before I tried setting it up, but ran into some issues. OBS needs the v4l2loopback driver in order to enable the virtual camera functionality....

January 11, 2022 · 1 min

Found Nemo!

First painting with the new paint set. Good paper (140 lbs) and paint make a big difference. Found Nemo in very clear water(color)

January 9, 2022 · 1 min

Water color paint key/legend

I got a new water color paint set. Turns out I like painting enough and I was encouraged by a friend with a generous gift of brushes and a marine life water color book. The same friend also clued me in to making a paint key/legend. Well, first I made a poor design decision on how to structure the key and then failed to follow the design (further indicating poor design)....

January 8, 2022 · 1 min

Setting up Protonmail in Emacs

I’ve used Protonmail for several years and use the web interface for the most part and used Thunderbird on the desktop to keep offline copies of email. Since Protnmail takes care of the encryption it requires a local bridge to provide a standard interface like IMAP. Essentially, it is running an IMAP server on the local machine that any compatible client can connect to. Technically, the bridge can be made accessible on a local network so many clients from many machines can connect to it....

January 8, 2022 · 4 min

"Inverse literate" config via org-transclusion

I am very intrigued by the whole concept of literate programming. There is a lot of opinions and lots of valid points for and against comments, but ultimately it’s always a good idea to understand intent. I wanted to create a literate config but did not want slow down startup with tangling. I came across an interesting package today called org-transclusion by @nobiot. The package is very interesting, being able to bring in arbitrary lines of text from multiple documents into a single document (while those documents remain the source of truth) is quite powerful....

December 30, 2021 · 2 min

Doom Emacs config (deprecated)

I was asked about my Doom config by someone on fosstodon but it’s not a clean repo where I’m not confident that I didn’t accidentally commit private information in the past, so I wasn’t sure how to share. But this is a good time to put a pin in the config and capture a snapshot here, for reference. This is quite messy and mixes idioms at random as I learned more about configuration....

December 1, 2021 · 13 min